Worry free data journey with the right data strategy

Big data implementation can be a daunting task, especially with the complexity of data processing and vast choice of technology.

Maximize your data value with integrated data solution

Implement a complete and integrated data solution, from data acquisition, integration, engineering, to data science to empower your business analytics teams in maximizing the value of your data.


Your Data Journey
Starts From Here

Plan your implementation with us and choose the right strategy for your data ecosystem. Get the right size and the right step for your business to minimize risk and shorten time-to-insight.

Big Data Solutions

Always being at the front line of technological innovation, our aim is to accelerate your Big Data adoption. Maximize your data value with our comprehensive end-to-end big data solution, including Data Engineering, Data Science and Analytics, and Big Data appliance.

IT Consulting

Help you transform your business to enhance performance, effectiveness, efficiency and resilience. Together, we create a true competitive advantage based on the latest technologies to build the solution tailored specifically to your needs.

AI Solutions

Go beyond data analytics. Get more value out of your data with the power of Machine Learning and AI-driven technology. Obtain more quality and better results to explore new possibilities and open up new opportunities.

Research & Development

Our strong research culture drives us to continuously invest in research and development, to deliver only the best solutions.

Here we are

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Answering your data needs

Get Everything You Need With Our Best Solutions

Business needs to move fast in a highly competitive digital world, and those who can harness their data the best and the fastest will lead the competition. YAVA247 Data Platform is a complete, reliable and secure end-to end big data platform for your data needs, from data acquisition, data engineering, data science and AI. Increase your productivity with easy to use data engineering platform, and quickly meet the business demands with integrated data science and machine learning platforms.

Use Case

View Our Works In Action

Social Media Analytics

Integrate social media data into your analysis to gain more insights. Enrich your customer profile, improve customer segments, evaluate campaign and product performance, predict demands, and many more.

Master Data Management

integrate social media data into your analysis to gain more insights. Enrich your customer profile, improve customer segments, evaluate campaign and product performance, predict demands, and many more.

Hospital Data Integration

Integrate health data system to improve patient experience and health outcomes by improving service quality and standards, avoid unnecessary costs by optimizing operations, increase safety for patients and healthcare workers, identify leakage and fraud in health claims, etc.

Fraud Analytics

Combine real time and batch data processing and leverage state of the art AI-driven technology to get 360 view of customer to reduce identity fraud, uncover hidden connection between users, and prevents more fraud before it actually happen to protect your customer and your business.


Simplify operations management and accelerate problem resolution in complex IT environments. bridging the discrepancies between the increasingly complex IT operations and user expectations for application performance and availability with as few disruptions as possible.

Customer Data Platform

Gather information from various channels, platforms, and devices and construct a complete and up-to-date view of your customer. Create even more personal and relatable products and marketing campaigns, and provide unique customer experiences that will improve their satisfaction with your products and services.

“See our Use Case above”

Our mission is to consistently provide superior value to our customers with continuous innovation and improvements. Our experienced and professional teams will help you finding the best implementation strategy that meets your objectives and deliver the best products for you to get the best insights.

Bagus Rully Muttaqien
VP Corporate Communication

Why 247

#1 Big Data Implementer In Indonesia

Solusi247 is an Information and Data Technology company established in 2000, focusing on massive scale data processing and high technology systems.

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News & Blog

Day 3 – Hannover Messe 2024

Hari ketiga pameran Hannover Messe pada tanggal 24 April 2024, kesembilan co-exhibitor dari paviliun Indonesia telah berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam kegiatan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan perusahaan Jerman dan perusahaan global lainnya....

Day 2 – Hannover Messe 2024

Di hari kedua Hannover Messe 2024 PT Dua Empat Tujuh berkesempatan untuk menyampaikan presentasi pada forum bisnis HM 2024. Dengan tema, "Unveiling Indonesia's IT Talent Potential: Exploring Opportunities and Strengths", Solusi247 membawa Indonesia ke panggung global...

Day 1 – Hannover Messe 2024

Delegasi Solusi247 turut serta dalam acara opening ceremony global dan opening ceremony Paviliun Indonesia bersama dengan 9 rekan peserta pameran lainnya di Hannover Messe 2024. Ini merupakan kesempatan luar biasa bagi Solusi247 sebagai Co- Exhibitor, untuk...

Capacity Building Journey ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC42 – Artificial Intelligence

Solusi247 bersama Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) diundang untuk mengikuti Capacity Building Journey ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC42 - Artificial Intelligence di Seoul, Korea Selatan, dari 22 hingga 26 April 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh International Organization for...

Indonesia | Hannover Messe 2024

PT Dua Empat Tujuh Kembali Hadir di Hannover Messe 2024 Sebagai Co-Exhibitor Resmi! PT Dua Empat Tujuh kembali terpilih sebagai co-exhibitor resmi di Hannover Messe 2024, pameran teknologi industri tahunan terbesar di dunia! Pemilihan dilakukan melalui proses seleksi...

Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman dengan Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto (ITDA)

Pada Kamis, 29 Februari 2024, Solusi247 melakukan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman dengan Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto (ITDA). Aktivitas utama dalam kerja sama ini adalah pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengembangan teknologi bidang kedirgantaraan, serta...

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pertama pada program LPDP Riset Produktif Kompetisi

PT Dua Empat Tujuh Bersama dengan BMKG dan BRIN menggelar Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pertama pada program LPDP Riset Produktif Kompetisi tahap kedua pada hari Jum'at dan Sabtu, 26 dan 27 Januari 2024. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan di Cavinton, Yogyakarta untuk...

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We have helped our clients in adopting big data and realizing their data potentials. Now it is your time to answer your business challenges.